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Education Reimagined

Spiritual Philosophy

We are all spiritual beings living a physical existence within a unified field of Consciousness. Ultimately we have taken physical form to accomplish three goals: 1) To give and receive love, 2) To heal our own individual wounds, and 3) To be of service by contributing our personal gifts. Healing our individual wounds elevates our own personal Consciousness while sharing our gifts with others elevates universal Consciousness.

Imagine Consciousness as an ocean: If you were to take a cup out of the ocean, the liquid in that cup remains the ocean. Using the ocean as a metaphor, imagine the ocean as Consciousness. Every life form in this realm is born from Consciousness. Though each life form is brilliantly unique and special, it remains true that just like each cup of ocean is from the ocean, each life form is from Consciousness and therefore remains an expression of Consciousness, a unified field of an awareness of life: every man, woman, boy, or girl remain undeniably united because we were all born from the same source—Consciousness.

Our hearts remind us of this connection, so our Spiritual Philosophy is quite simple: Dwell and act from a place of love; it is through love that we remember our entangled connection, and it is through our hearts that we heal ourselves and each other and step into our cosmic destiny of designing Earth resonate with Unity Consciousness. Let your heart and mind imagine Earth inspired by and designed with Unity Consciousness: Unity Consciousness is our gateway to creating an Earthly home defined by joy, harmony, and enchantment.

As both a Temple and a School, we practice discernment of course, yet we remain committed to act with loving and open hearts as we boldly step into our role of Designers and Creators of Unity Consciousness.


As a child, Leslie found poverty intolerable and decided she would spend her life eradicating it. In college, she realized the role a solid education played in supporting her to transform poverty while becoming aware of the uneven access many American children had to a quality education: At the age of twenty-one, Leslie devoted herself to creating powerful and transformative schools for communities most in need.

For 30+ years, Leslie has worked at the intersection of leading, learning, and equity. She began her career teaching middle and high school General Education and Newcomer students in the Bay Area. Her work with students emphasized providing a relationship and language-rich interactive learning environment grounded in relational trust and cultural competency.

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My nephew and me. Photo by Jill Denny

Purpose Statement

Our graduates flourish, participate in public life, and live in harmony with Earth through aligning their souls, minds, and bodies to their hearts and collective imagination.

Statement of Oneness & Belonging

While division and separation define much of the current relationships on the earth, it is our cosmic destiny for all life to live in balance and harmony. Regardless of what may appear to separate us—such as nationality, language, ethnicity, race, class, sex, gender, political orientation, religion, or sexual orientation, to name a few—we are united in the most simple and profound ways. All life craves security, shelter, sustenance, love, and belonging. All life craves dignity and respect.

At Divine Harmony Education we design for our cosmic destiny. Earth is destined to be a home where everyone (and all life form) belongs and no one is left out. With courage we release defensiveness and heal each other through the profound gift of listening. We acknowledge and stand witness to the harms done to man and womankind, and with an unwavering commitment to healing and joy, we say enough. We embrace the dignity of all life forms and design to heal all habitats and recommit to stewardship of the land. We are guided by love, and its strength and resolve. Divine Harmony Temple Education fulfills our cosmic destiny to create the conditions for all life form to live in harmony, joy, and enchantment. We are a Destiny Designer School.


Leslie Plettner is a leader with a rare combination of a huge heart, a brilliant mind, an expansive skillset, and a fierce commitment to serve others. Leslie knows how to create the conditions in which others can transform their behaviors, beliefs, and ways of being. She accomplishes this with her refined communication skills, strategic thinking, and loving guidance. Leslie knows how to show up, fully present for individuals and teams, and also care for herself so that she has the energy to fulfill her agreements and implement her vision. Based on my experiences with Leslie's leadership, I fully endorse anything that Leslie intends to do, without any reservations--be that coach an individual, facilitate a learning experience, or found a school.

Elena AguilarAuthor, CEO, Educational Visionary |

I have known Leslie Plettner since we worked alongside each other at the National Equity Project. She is a fearless leader and a visionary with a deep understanding of how to build and design a school for success and longevity. Leslie believes in and stands for equity in an authentic way that is rooted in relationships and shared power, not a cult of personality. She is a sharp and highly capable leader and innovator.

Shane SafirAuthor, Coach, Facilitator |

Leslie excels in all of her endeavors, partly as a by-product of having achieved a coherence of Mind and Heart – a powerful source of both her creativity and inexhaustible energy. The results of her wok consistently produce highly effective learning and work environments for both teachers and students. One can’t miss a positive “can do” energy when one observes learning environments she creates. I could actually say so much more about this extremely talented and brilliant woman, but I’ll add just one more observation: I have often been impressed with her strong business sense. She manages to be creative and innovative while maintaining a conscious awareness of the prevailing business context (i.e., priorities, established goals, budgets, etc.). Whatever she sets out to do she will do just that.

"Michael has worked at the “C-Suite” level of major well known corporations including: Charles Schwab, DHL, Ameritech, Scholastic, Rhythms NetConnections. He was on teams that took both Schwab and Rhythms public. He is well known for his success in achieving significant “turnarounds” for IT Divisions in the above corporations, (including Bank Of America where he served as Sen. Vice President for many years).

Michael LanierC-Suite Executive—Bank of America, Charles Schwab, Ameritech, DHL, & more