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Curricular Themes & Creative Expression

Curricular themes are threads that are woven through all subjects and the core curricular goal of aligning soul, mind, and body that motivates Futurists to be of service to village, community, and Earth. It’s the secret sauce that creates curricular cohesion and unity. Curricular themes come alive in Art, English, Story-telling, Science, Math, Engineering, Martial Art, Technology, and Entrepreneurialism. An emphasis on uncovering their relevance will invite our Designers forward and in, keeping them naturally engaged as they will be inherently motivated and interested in studying all things seen as relevant to them, their peers, and their world.

Unity Consciousness

Unity Consciousness is the wisdom that resides in a profound knowing that all life is interconnected and thus, interdependent. When one thrives, many thrive. As Earth’s water, air, and soil are restored, so is all life. As the rainforests breath in and out, oxygen spreads to nourish all corners and crevices of Earth. Unity Consciousness explores the webbed ecosystem of story, metaphysics, science, psychology, physical movement, and the future of Earth nourished and sustained by a profound knowing and respect for the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life. Designers will achieve an awareness and a knowing that we are one and that the gift of life was given to all—a common gift that binds us together.

Photo by JT Humphrey

Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity Consciousness activates not only optimism but also a truth that we live in a world of abundance. By design, we are intended to experience bountifulness in health, love, and material wealth. Learning to believe and receive this abundance begins with training the mind to see and believe in the inherent prosperity both seen and unseen. A shift towards prosperity consciousness will reduce pain and activate optimism for health, love, and material wealth for all of man and womankind.


Communication is both the blood that nourishes life and wellbeing and sometimes the salve that restores understanding or trust. Communication is not only skill, but also, heart based. How do you listen with an open heart, even if it aches? What are the words, tone, and nonverbal cues that convey the meaning you desire? What’s the distinction between intent and impact of our communication? All coursework will directly teach effective and eloquent communication, including negotiation strategies. As our Futurists prepare for their leadership roles, effective and eloquent communication is an essential technical and relational skill to master, and master we will.

Photo by JT Humphrey


Independence energizes confidence in our ability to care for self and others. While many are immersed in technological dominant communities, there is comfort in knowing that to survive and thrive, man and womankind—and most other animals for that matter—simply need clean water, food, shelter, and love. Of course having access to trained healers matters, and learning how to harness the energy available to us by the sun (for example), will support our energy needs and wants. Independence teaches Designers how to be resourceful and confident as they successfully manage meeting their basic needs. Independence produces a fierce embodied confidence necessary for Futurists to do their bold and visionary collective work.


Law is a tool of creation and protection. And, it’s actually not that complicated to learn: men and women have lots of unalienable rights, but only if they are expressed, and it’s straightforward to learn how to express them. Once you express your unalienable rights as a man or a woman, there’s an entire lawful court created to support you to uphold your rights and protect yourself from trespass by other men and women. Yes, men and women are from the Creator, and your rights are yours to express—you need no permission to be free and safe. We have all the power we need to stop harm by expressing our rights and holding others to account for remedy: It is in fact, the honorable thing to do.

Financial Mastery

Financial Mastery tells us that money is nothing but an energy and a tool: An extraordinarily powerful tool, yes, so it must be considered and managed with focus, care, and skill. In addition to learning basic accounting, our Designers will learn the five pillars of Financial Mastery: 1) How do you create flows of money; 2) How do you protect money; 3) How do you budget for financial security, independence, and a free life; 4) How do you leverage money and assets to increase money flow; 5) As Financial Mastery is a life long journey, how do you continue to learn about financial mastery and wisdom? The triple combination of our independence, lawful understanding, and financial mastery curricular themes will foster strength, imagination, boldness, and confidence.


Entrepreneurism takes initiative to solve both local and global problems. It requires vision, creativity, grit, risk, collaboration, and resourcefulness. This curricular theme emphasizes solving problems faced by our local, regional, and national communities as well as Earth. Project based learning provides the context to develop executive function, problem solving, communication, and collaboration—all skills essential for entrepreneurism. Learning how to write a business plan, read financial statements, and inspire others to join you and your vision are powerful skills embedded in this crucial curricular theme.


Earth is home. And, it needs tending. Just as breathing is automatic (and essential), so will be our attention towards Earth. Learning about Earth as well as our solar system and galaxy will be so immersed throughout all coursework that Earth will be a common point of departure to ponder purpose, contribution, transformation, coursework, and dreams. Designers will learn about Earth restoration and sustainability; they will become inventors protecting and restoring our sacred water, air, and lands. They will design a Future where all life form on Earth lives in harmony, joy, and enchantment.

Creative Expression

Creative Expression is vital to the soul as it expresses (and nourishes) your spirit essence. A soul that is grounded in purpose and encouraged to express its vital life force is simply powerful. Creative expression may channel through dance, martial art, music, painting, drawing, meditation, culinary arts, writing, story telling, cinema, drama, sculpting, photography, sport, architecture, or needlework. A collection of purpose driven souls creating and expressing will surely uplift Earth. Rightly so—creative expression is inherently optimistic and inspirational.

Martial arts, sports, dance, & meditation

Martial arts, sports, dance, & meditation develop grounded connection to our bodies. Our bodies carry our soul and therefore our purpose. Being comfortable in, and familiar with, your body supports confidence and expression of your purpose. We’ll have a robust meditation, martial arts, dance, and intramural sports program that centers on fun, focus, body-mind connection, and win-win competition.


Leslie Plettner is a leader with a rare combination of a huge heart, a brilliant mind, an expansive skillset, and a fierce commitment to serve others. Leslie knows how to create the conditions in which others can transform their behaviors, beliefs, and ways of being. She accomplishes this with her refined communication skills, strategic thinking, and loving guidance. Leslie knows how to show up, fully present for individuals and teams, and also care for herself so that she has the energy to fulfill her agreements and implement her vision. Based on my experiences with Leslie's leadership, I fully endorse anything that Leslie intends to do, without any reservations--be that coach an individual, facilitate a learning experience, or found a school.

Elena AguilarAuthor, CEO, Educational Visionary, l

I have known Leslie Plettner since we worked alongside each other at the National Equity Project. She is a fearless leader and a visionary with a deep understanding of how to build and design a school for success and longevity. Leslie believes in and stands for equity in an authentic way that is rooted in relationships and shared power, not a cult of personality. She is a sharp and highly capable leader and innovator.

Shane SafirAuthor, Coach, Facilitator l

Leslie excels in all of her endeavors, partly as a by-product of having achieved a coherence of Mind and Heart – a powerful source of both her creativity and inexhaustible energy. The results of her wok consistently produce highly effective learning and work environments for both teachers and students. One can’t miss a positive “can do” energy when one observes learning environments she creates. I could actually say so much more about this extremely talented and brilliant woman, but I’ll add just one more observation: I have often been impressed with her strong business sense. She manages to be creative and innovative while maintaining a conscious awareness of the prevailing business context (i.e., priorities, established goals, budgets, etc.). Whatever she sets out to do she will do just that.

"Michael has worked at the “C-Suite” level of major well known corporations including: Charles Schwab, DHL, Ameritech, Scholastic, Rhythms NetConnections. He was on teams that took both Schwab and Rhythms public. He is well known for his success in achieving significant “turnarounds” for IT Divisions in the above corporations, (including Bank Of America where he served as Sen. Vice President for many years).

Michael LanierC-Suite Executive—Bank of America, Charles Schwab, Ameritech, DHL, & more